Monday, October 8, 2012

Think Pink!

As everyone is aware--unless you've been hiding under a rock--October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  I figured if NFL players could don the hue for a month, then so could my blog.  On a side note, check out the NFL's A Crucial Catch page.  It gives you the opportunity to bid on game used pink memorabilia and support a great cause all at once.

NFL - A Crucial Catch

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hallelujah Jafar!

So now that I am back to having a computer again, thanks to my wonderful husband, I began the daunting task today of digging up my multiple notebooks that I'd been reduced to writing in for the past year.  Good news, is I found them all.  Better news is that I had gotten a lot more written than I'd remembered--a solid 6 or 7 chapters in their entirety, notes and outlines I'd forgotten I'd made, and lots of snippets of stuff to "work in."  Now for the best part--I also found that I'd printed out and saved all but TWO of the chapters I'd written being held captive on my crashed PC!  To say I am thrilled would be an understatement.  Kind of makes me feel like river dancing.  

Now that I'm off my hiatus, I have lots to organize and get cracking on.  Which I have to say, feels really good.