Things are looking a bit grim for this chick. For the past year, I’ve been under the impression that my power
cord was shot. Last night, 3 power cords and a trip to Radio Shack later,
it’s looking like the problem is not the cord, but my computer itself.
Unfortunately, the infernal machine is holding about 2/3 of my book hostage
because I, of course, failed to back any of my files up elsewhere. (Which
I honestly thought I had done.) So now the frantic search for hidden
files begins. Between my editor and digging through my emails, I’ve
managed to find several chapters. I know (or at least hope) that worst
case, I can have the hard drive recovered to get the rest, but I’m really
REALLY hoping it won’t come to that. Aside from being what I imagine to
be a costly task, at that point I’ll have to face the need to buy a new
computer—the thought of which makes my stomach queasier than that nachos and
ice cream I gorged on for supper last night in an effort to drown my
Lesson learned for this gal: Back up your stinking
files! In more than one place.