I'm a few days late posting up about a book I've been anxiously awaiting being released this week. Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare hit the shelves Tuesday. It's the second installment of The Infernal Devices series (the prequel to The Mortal Instruments series). And it pains me to say that even though I have physically seen it sitting on the store shelf, I have not acquired my own copy yet. My family members have banned me from making any purchases for myself this close to Christmas, so I suppose I'll just have to be patient--not my strong point. But for those of you without mean relatives, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
A Bit About Titles
Earlier in the year, I attended and event where Author Chris Grabenstein brought up a very interesting point regarding book titles. When coming up with a title for a book, it's obviously important to have one that it's relevant in some nature to your subject matter. However, when you have a series, your goal should be not only that, but for the titles of your books to also have some relevance to one another as well. Sounds obvious enough, right? Here are a few examples off the top of my head: His own series that boasts titles such as Tilt a Whirl, Mad Mouse, Whack a Mole, Mind Scrambler, etc. Another example would be Uglies, Pretties, Specials, Extras, by Scott Westerfeld.
Here lies my pickle: When I started writing, I did it with 3 separate ideas, for 3 stand alone books, all with nice titles in mind already. Well as my characters and stories have developed, I've plotted to connect all 3 stories in what I think is a very interesting way. But those darn titles I had in mind? Don't have a darn connection in the least bit with one another! So I'm back to kicking around ideas in my spare time. Good thing nothing is final until you're dead...and I think even then there is room for negotiation.
Just something to think about.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Currently Reading
Well, I suppose this is really more a was reading update since I actually finished this book before I even posted that I had started it. So, I was reading The Death Cure, by James Dashner. A very good ending to a very good trilogy. Unless my brain has taken temporary leave, which is always a likely possibility with me, then I've already suggested this page turning series, but if not, allow me to take this opportunity to suggest it again. Happy reading!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Happy (Late) Book Release Day!
I can't believe I forgot to share this yesterday. (Oh wait, yes I can believe that actually.) Another book I've been anxiously awaiting came out yesterday. Silence, by Becca Fitzpatrick. It's the 3rd in her Hush, Hush series. I'm currently in the middle of my current read, but can't wait to get my hands on this one and jump back into the story again. I'm in need of a Patch fix!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Think Pink
As you probably already know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So, in honor of that, I have given my blog a little makeover for the month. Visit http://ww5.komen.org/ to learn more about what YOU can do to make a difference and to locate a Race for the Cure event near you.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Best Lines
Just wanted to share a random thought--something to kick around in your head when you have nothing better to do. A fellow author mentioned a topic to me that was discussed in one of her writer's groups: Who has the best lines? Is it your protagonist? It should be. He/she should always have the best lines. But many times, people tend to "give them away" to a witty side kick or villain. So who has the best lines in your story? It's certainly something I'm going to think about as my character continues to lead me down his path of growth.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
As I sit here working on a rough outline for some upcoming chapters, I'm going over some notes I took at a recent conference I attended during a seminar that focused on plot development. (And I am also noticing how incredibly sloppy my own handwriting is when I am scribbling furiously.) Just thought I'd take a second to pass along a few general pointers I picked up.
* Don't be afraid to change your outline as the story develops. As you write, your story may progress in a direction different from what you'd initially planned, but that fits better. Don't feel committed to what you initially laid out.
* Have highs and lows that steadily build. Have an "absolute low" point just before your climax.
* Plan some "quiet" chapters without a lot of action. These chapters are ideal for character development. Give the reader aspects to contemplate during "down" time where they aren't caught up in the action.
* Have a good general idea of several major conflicts that you want to take place and build your story out from there versus writing start to finish of the book.
* Don't be afraid to skip around while writing--write what you feel most drawn to on any given day, not just "what comes next" or "where you left off."
Hope that provides someone with some insight. I feel a little more organized and focused now. Off to be productive now.
* Don't be afraid to change your outline as the story develops. As you write, your story may progress in a direction different from what you'd initially planned, but that fits better. Don't feel committed to what you initially laid out.
* Have highs and lows that steadily build. Have an "absolute low" point just before your climax.
* Plan some "quiet" chapters without a lot of action. These chapters are ideal for character development. Give the reader aspects to contemplate during "down" time where they aren't caught up in the action.
* Have a good general idea of several major conflicts that you want to take place and build your story out from there versus writing start to finish of the book.
* Don't be afraid to skip around while writing--write what you feel most drawn to on any given day, not just "what comes next" or "where you left off."
Hope that provides someone with some insight. I feel a little more organized and focused now. Off to be productive now.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Book Recommendation
I can't believe I forgot to mention the release of a much anticipated book yesterday! (for me anyway) Goliath by Scott Westerfeld hit the shelf yesterday. I have complete faith that it will be as great as it's predecessors, Leviathan and Behemoth. Actually everything I've read of his, which is most everything he's written, has been great... It's a YA steam punk series, so if that's your thing, I definitely recommend you add these to your to-read list. (* On a side note, I have had the pleasure of meeting the author and he is very cool.)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Weekend Wrap-Up
Now is the time when I should be bragging about how much I got done over the weekend. Much to my own dismay because I didn't get ANYTHING written. Not one. Single. Word. <grumbles in discontent> But, in an effort to look on the positive side, the weekend wasn't a total loss. Here are a few non-writing related experiences and lessons I had the pleasure of bearing witness to over a mere two day stretch:
Valuable Experiences:
1) I convinced a Chuy's employee to let me taze him.
2) I tried a new type of cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory.
3) I watched the police body slam the newest resident of the neighborhood after he drunkenly decided to stroll door to door introducing himself with a plate of chicken....at 12:30am.
Lessons Learned:
1) The creamy jalapeno sauce at Chuy's contains a mysterious, highly addictive ingredient. After careful analysis, my suspicions are that it is some variation of crack.
2) The effects of a one million volt tazer are intensified if the victim is standing bare footed in wet grass.
3) Endless hours of entertainment can be achieved if one acquires an $80 scooter held together by gray tape.
Now that I have gotten all of THAT out of my brain, I think I'm off to work on something a little more productive. I feel a desperate need to reclaim those vital IQ points that I'm sure I misplaced in the past few days.
Valuable Experiences:
1) I convinced a Chuy's employee to let me taze him.
2) I tried a new type of cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory.
3) I watched the police body slam the newest resident of the neighborhood after he drunkenly decided to stroll door to door introducing himself with a plate of chicken....at 12:30am.
Lessons Learned:
1) The creamy jalapeno sauce at Chuy's contains a mysterious, highly addictive ingredient. After careful analysis, my suspicions are that it is some variation of crack.
2) The effects of a one million volt tazer are intensified if the victim is standing bare footed in wet grass.
3) Endless hours of entertainment can be achieved if one acquires an $80 scooter held together by gray tape.
Now that I have gotten all of THAT out of my brain, I think I'm off to work on something a little more productive. I feel a desperate need to reclaim those vital IQ points that I'm sure I misplaced in the past few days.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Status Update
I am happy to report that I seem to have found my mojo again. (Like I'm really going to pass up the opportunity to use the word "mojo" in a sentence!) I spent around 5 hours reviewing notes and writing yesterday and managed to get nearly an entire chapter done. On top of that, I managed to finalize (I hope) my outline for the next chapter I'll be working on. I've got bits and pieces of outlines and notes and segments written, so I'm working on trying to get them organized and pieced together, which is proving to be quite a challenge! On the bright side, the more I put together, the further along I see that I really am with what remains. Looks like a lot of writing connecting pieces more than anything, which is a nice discovery to make. So, going to stay on the track I'm on for now and hope that soon I'll reach my chapter-per-week goal that I've set for myself.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Currently Reading / Mini Update
Just a quick update to let everyone know what I'm currently reading. Sapphique, by Catherine Fisher. It's the follow up book to Incarceron.) I don't intend to breeze through this one like I often do with other books. In fact, if it's anything like it's predecessor, it'll be one of those reads that's good to take slow so that you can really thing about what's developing in the story. I've got some time before the next book I'm anxiously awaiting is released, so it's the perfect time to squeeze this one in. Will also allow me more time to work on my own writing.
That being said, with yesterday's distraction of college football out of the way, my house semi-cleanish, my child occupied and my husband out for a bit, I'm off to take advantage of the opportunity to get a little work done on my New Orleans chapter. Hope the remainder of the weekend is good to you all!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Currently Reading
Just a quick update to let everyone know which book I am currently completely engrossed in. The Power of Six, by Patticus Lore. It's the second book in the Lorien Legacies series. If you haven't added these to your to-read lists, I would highly suggest them. (Although you should probably start with the first book, I Am Number Four, otherwise you're going to be very lost and confused.) Happy Reading!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Killer Nashville
Clearly, after looking at the picture above, one of two things has happened. Either 1) I finally took out my frustrations on one of the bozos who cut me off on Hwy 280, or 2) I spent the past weekend at the Killer Nashville Conference. Luckily for the bozos it was the latter.
My brain is so full of newly found information that I don't even know where to begin. I got to attend several great mini-seminars led by some very knowledgeable panels of authors, agents, specialist and others deeply submersed and well experienced in all matters literary. I enjoyed them all, but two really stood out to me in particular that I feel will be extremely beneficial to my continued journey to greatness (ha, ha) in the long run. One focused on self promotion--basically "getting your name out there." I'm very grateful to Nancy Naigle as well as the rest of the panel for sharing their experiences and giving me some really good insight on how to get started.
Another, which I fell I probably got the most out of in regards to improving my writing technique, focused on plot development and was led by Randy Rawls and yet another great panel of experts who have already traveled down this path. The short one hour session was packed with some of the specific information I was looking for. I really feel like I'm going to be able to utilize everything they brought to the table.
Some other highlights of the event included activities and sessions with TBI Special Agents and Guest Speakers Donald Bain and Robert Dugoni. (And one of the best local food finds I've ever stumbled across called the Mojo Grill. I would seriously drive back to Nashville just to eat there.)
In summary, it was a GREAT experience and I can't wait to go back next year. Can't wait to see where I am then.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Big Easy
About high time for an update, don't you think? Sadly, I have barely had two seconds of peace in the last month--pretty typical these days, I'm afraid. However, I'm happy to report that I did survive my recent trip to New Orleans. As some of you may know, I've got plans for my poor, tortured main character to make a trip to NOLA. What I found in trying to plan for that particular portion of the story is that I've never actually been to New Orleans, which was making it extremely difficult to write. So, that gave me all the excuse I needed to take a mini trip and celebrate my anniversary all at once. I definitely found the inspiration I was looking for and then some. One of my favorite parts of writing is being able to incorporate my own personal experiences into my work. I certainly will be doing that with this chapter. I found so many things that seem to make the city unique that I can way to incorporate into the story in ways that I really don't think would have been possible had I not made the trip. Ever hear about a place and get a mental picture of what it looks like in your head only to discover it's NOTHING like you imagined once you actually see it in person? Well let's just say I think I'll be able to write much more accurate descriptions now that are absolutely nothing like what I'd been planning, but much better in the long run I think.
I have lots coming up and lots going on in the near future, so stand by for another update soon!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Status Update.....sort of
Well, I WAS making really good progress. No really, I was. And then my power cord died. Again. For good this time with no hope for resurrection this time. It's incredibly difficult to write anything when your whole works are stored on a laptop! Guess it's time to finally break down and buy a new one. So I've been forced to work "old school" via pen and paper method, which is equally difficult without my outline, which again, is on said lifeless laptop.
Alright, so enough whining now. I guess looking on the bright side, this isn't the worst time to be sans PC. I'm at the point in my story where I'm going to introduce a very intriguing character who hails from New Orleans, LA. Being that I've never been there myself, I figured the best way to get inspiration is by taking a trip to said city. Ergo, I will be taking a much needed vacation later this week. I plan to return refreshed and newly inspired!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
New Section
Just a little note to mention a new section I added. On the right side, you will now see a section called "Who I'm Following." Just a few of my favorite noteworthy authors that I follow.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Moving Right Along...
So, just like I predicted, I finished off Witch and Wizard pretty quickly and have moved on to The Gift. (Why not? Seems only right.) And after this, I vow to come off my hiatus and put the finishing touches on my current chapter-in-the-works. (Or, three chapters-in-the-works, really.) I think I'm happy with where they sit now, although that's no guarantee that my opinion of that won't change later. Just trying to step back and let he path's I've sent these characters down sit for a few days first before moving on with the story.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Current Reading Material
I'm currently reading Witch & Wizard, by James Patterson. I've heard nothing but good things about this story. It's been on my to-read list for a while, so when a friend handed it to me, knowing I would like it thanks to our similar preferences in regards to literature, I was excited and couldn't wait to read it. I started it yesterday, and over half way through it now, and will probably finish it off tonight. So obviously, I'm really enjoying it thus far. I really hope I don't have to punish this book when I'm done with it--my freezer is already pretty full as it is.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Current Reading Material
Well I finished up Leviathan. (Great book--once again, Mr. Westerfeld didn't let me down.)
And now I'm on to the next book, City of Fallen Angels, by Cassandra Clare, which I have been anxiously and not-so-patiently awaiting for a while now. It's the next installment of The Mortal Instruments series and was released earlier in the week.
The Mortal Instruments and its prequel series, The Infernal Devices are by far some of the best books I've ever read. If you haven't picked them up yet, I highly suggest you do so at once. (There is more info about the series in the "recommended" section.)
The Mortal Instruments and its prequel series, The Infernal Devices are by far some of the best books I've ever read. If you haven't picked them up yet, I highly suggest you do so at once. (There is more info about the series in the "recommended" section.)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Wow! This current chapter that I'm working on is turning out to be much trickier than I anticipated. Much of what takes place has such a huge impact on the other two books I have planned that I'm really having to do a lot of thinking ahead and planning. Trying not to write myself into a corner here!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Current Reading Material
I get friends that ask me for book recommendations quite frequently. (I'm honored that people think I have such good taste.) So, I thought I'd try something new and make a point to start posting up what I'm currently reading--and I'm always in the process of reading something. (Thus my "recommended" section.)
Currently, I'm reading Leviathan, by Scott Westerfeld, who just so happens to be one of my favorite authors. (And who I had the honor of meeting not too long ago, in case you missed that update.) It's a steam punk YA that takes place during WWI. I'm fairly new to the world of steam punk literature, this being only the second such book of that nature that I've read, but really enjoying it so far.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Status Update
Stick a fork in Chapter 11...it's done. Now, on to the next, which I'm very eager to write. Poor Mr. Taylor is finally going to have to face his demons. I almost feel bad for what I'm about to do to him. Almost.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Spare time? Never heard of it....
I hardly know how to act having an entire weekend ahead of me with nothing major going on and more astonishing, NO WORK! My job, among other things, has really eaten up my free time lately and my creative mind is frustrated. On the bright side, I've been working on procedure manuals, so at least I'm getting paid to write, right? Ha ha ha! I'm really excited about the turn my story is in the process of taking, but alas! No time to work on it. But I fully intend to rectify that problem this weekend.
On a side note, important update coming up tomorrow. At least, it's important to me, and since this is MY blog, that's what matters!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Fresh Inspiration
Ideas randomly show up in the weirdest places, don't they? So I had a really bizarre dream last night--the kind that jolts you awake, heart racing and asking yourself, "Did that really just happen?" It kind of sat with me today, and I'll admit it, unsettled me for a little bit and I found myself wondering, "What if that really was reality?" The more I thought about it and imagined how various scenarios would play out in this little alternate world I'd created, the more the whole concept grew on me. To summarize: I have a really GREAT idea for another book...completely unrelated to what I'm working on now. I'm not abandoning my current project and I still plan to finish up my next chapter this weekend. But, I will be setting some time aside to get some of these new thoughts down "on paper" and do a few rough character sketches while they are fresh on my mind. That way, when I am ready to come back and tackle this new project, it will all be ready and waiting for me.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Just a few quick notes.
1) You can now follow me on Twitter too @MJStafford2011. Which, is basically going to be the same thing you read here. :) Be sure to check out some of the great authors on there. As much as I hate to admit it, it's a great source for getting updates on what they're working on that they might not take the time to update elsewhere.
2) I am about halfway through my next chapter and will hopefully be finishing it up by the end of the week. I'm really excited about getting started on the NEXT chapter, so I'm pretty motivated to wrap this one up. My poor protagonist has been repressing some pretty serious inner demons so far, but in the next chapter, he's going to have to face them. It's one of the big events in the story that I've been really looking forward to writing since I started. (Yes, it truly doesn't take much to please me...sometimes.)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Another Week Down
Whew! This has been one heck of a week! I would love to report that I've made notable progress on my next chapter, but alas, an unforeseen root canal from hell prevented that. Ouch! Seeing as the only thing I've ever done successfully while on pain meds is beat the original Tomb Raider on Playstation, I decided it was probably best to focus my energy on recovering instead. Otherwise my characters would have likely found themselves engaged in battle with prehistoric sea monsters or trying to eat their way our of a 2,000 pound wheel of cheese or something as equally bizarre, and to be honest, that's just not what I have planned for them.
Nevertheless, in the spirit of progress, after having received some very helpful information from some fellow authors and family members, I've been exploring the option of self publication, both independent and in conjunction with Amazon. Not that I'm to that point yet, but it never hurts to always look ahead and explore all your options, right?
In closing, I just want to add that I am very excited about the release of the Movie adaptation of Patticus Lore's I Am Number Four tonight. (Interesting stuff about "Patticus" if you take the time to look into "it.") I can't wait to get to the theater to see it tomorrow night! If you haven't seen the trailer yet, you should check it out. And if you haven't read the book yet, I highly recommend it!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Major Update
At last, I have a power cord again! (Thanks Ed!) OK, so it's not the new power cord that I probably should have ordered over a month ago--it's more like a cut apart and taped together version of the one I already had and I'm sure it's a fire hazard in at least 5 different ways. But the point it, it works! (Which simplifies things considerably.)
AND, not only that, but I actually finished my next chapter! AND, an outline for the NEXT chapter. Now I'm off to type it up so I can make the needed revisions.
See, told you I was back in the swing of things again. What? Did anyone actually doubt me?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Getting Back on Track
Well, I think an update is long overdue, hmmm? Ashamedly, I must admit that in the recent month my writing has really taken a backseat to...well basically everything. But no time like the present to get back into the swing of things!
My power cord on my PC is shot--which makes writing extremely difficult given that my outline is saved on it! (But at least my PC has an "m" key, unlike the one I'm using right now.) So, I suppose the first step to becoming productive again would be to remedy that problem. Nevertheless, despite being sans PC right now, I'm forging ahead with the next chapter..via method of pen and paper for the time being.
On a side note, just to prove that I haven't been completely useless, this weekend is the Murder in the Magic City writer's conference, which I will be attending. One of my many goals for the year is to become more active in the writing community when the opportunity presents itself, so I think that the event is certainly a step in the right direction. I'm really looking forward to it and can wait to share how everything goes.
Now, where is that notebook and pen...
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